OMS 曼哈顿广场公寓

2021 /New York, NY / 700 SF

2021/ 纽约市,纽约州/700平方尺

A furniture design service for a college student from overseas.


The project is located at One Manhattan Square, which is a newly developed landmark residential building in Manhattan, New York. Entrusted by our client from far away in China, our design combines specific materials with functionality more effectively through streamlined and extreme color expression, expressing the owner's understanding of aesthetics.

案例位于纽约曼哈顿的One Manhattan Square,是新开放的地标楼盘。受到远在中国的客户委托,孤石设计的设计方案通过精简极致的色彩,将特定材质与功能性更有效的结合,表达出屋主对美学的理解。