2020 / New York, NY / 9 AC

2020/纽约市,纽约州/9 英亩

Union Square concept design proposal.


For historical reasons, Broadway split Union Square into fragments for protest and other political public activities. Now Union Square has gradually transformed into a public leisure area and an important transportation hub. In order to better serve the needs of different groups of people in public spaces, Solitary Rock Design has created an elevated platform in the proposal, which allows pedestrians to walk, run, stop and rest, and even commute diagonally across the entire square in a sun-bathed environment. The private space (individual pods) under the bridge can provide emergency uses with noise isolation and privacy protection. By expanding and improving both public and private uses, Union Square can truly unite the people once again.

因为历史原因,百老汇街将联合广场分割成碎片化空间以用于抗议活动。随着历史的发展,联合广场逐渐转变成公共休闲区域以及重要交通枢纽。为了更好的服务于不同人群在公共空间中的需求,孤石设计在本次概念设计中创建了提升空间,可供行人在能接触更多阳光的平面散步,跑步运动,甚至快速横跨整个广场,驻足观望等。桥下的私人空间能提供安静,保护隐私等紧急使用。通过扩大和改善公共和私密空间,联合广场再一次实现了人民“联合” 的美好愿景。